Ancient Deeds
C. 207.
Grant by Hugh the Miller, son of Hugh the Miller, of Benford, to
Robert de Herpenham and Joan his wife, of land in Ingeflodbelet, of
which one acre is called ' Rugeacre,' and another acre lies in
Langeham. Witnesses : Nicholas de Ingepenne, Hugh de
Cumbrewell, and others (named).
A. 5930.
Acquittance by Roger de Ingepenne, co-executor with
Sir Anthony, bishop of Durham, John de Warenne, earl of Sussex and
Surrey, lady Joan de Valence and Bartholomew, parson of Sottone, of
the will ofSir William de Valence, for certain sums of money
received by him fromJohn de Dittone, by the hand of Walter de
Filebi, clerk to Sir Emer(Aymer) de Valence, in accordance with
powers conferred on the said Roger and on Geoffrey de Wrettone by
the other executors, which sumswere due to the said Sir William by
Ralph de Sandwiz, John de Scardeborh,Walter de Redinges, and the
said John de Ditume, by a recognisance madein 24 [Edward I] for
Hem-y de Lancaster and Maud his wife. Ingepenne,Thursday, 2
April, 27 Edward [I], French.
A. 7118.
Acknowledgement by Ralph de la Stane, that he is bound to Sir
William de Valencia, lord of Pembroke, to endeavour to obtain for
him from Robert de Hauterive, a release of all service, other than a
rent of Is. Qd. a year, in respect of a tenement in Fernham ;
failing which he and his heirs shall acquit Sir William of all such
service other than the said rent. Witnesses : Sirs Geoffrey Gupill,
Jordan de Sakevile, and Stephen de Eddewurth, knights, Geoffrey de
Burton, and Roger de Ingepenne.
A. 11554.
The like, by same, to same, viz : for spices (speciebm)bought at
Wyncestre fair by the hand of William de Caperegg, viz. 72s. fora
hundred and a half of wax ; 18s. 9d. for a hundred and a half of
almonds;40s. for Mlb. ginger; 40s. for 24^6. canel ; 24.s-. for
24#>. pepper; 3s. for24Z6. rice ; 8s. for 4/6. galingale ; 26s.
for 4lb. saffron ; 7s. 6<7. for lOQlh.cummin by the greater
hundred (per majus centum) ; 26s. Sd. for two loavesof sugar of
20/6. weight ; 2 Id. for 6 ells of canvas to put all the above in;
total : 13Z. 7s. Sd. ; 6s. for the expense of Richard [Ri'di] de
Andevere,William de Capereg and himself (Had'i), there, for two
days, and of SirRoger de Inkepenne for one day, and
3s. Qd. for the expenses of the saidWilliam there for three days,
after the others' departure; 11s. 2d. for theexpenses of the said
William, Robert of the wardrobe, a'nd Roger the tailor,there, for
four days buying pelts (pellur') and canvas to put them in, and6f/.
for the weighing of .a sack and a half of wool of Colingeburn ;
ll%d. forthe expenses of the carter from Colingeburn for two days
fetching; the spicesand pelts to Swyndon ; 2s. for the hire of
lodging for the said William andthe others while they stayed there :
total 24s. 1^<7. Total to be allowed,14L 11s. 9|d. Swyndon,
Wednesday, the eve of St. Michael, 28 Edward[I]. Seal of arms, viz.
harry of sic vair and [G] dimidiating harry and anorle of martlets.
C. 5567.
Grant, quitclaim and confirmation by Robert son of William Pipard of
Grafton to Geoffrey the chamberlain (camerario) his heirs and
assigns of the whole tenement which Geoffrey has in Titeregge of his
fee ; rent, lib. pepper for all service, save foreign service if any
belong to the said tenement. Witnesses : Sir Alexander de Cheverel,
[Sir] , Sir Robert . . . , Roger deCliford, James le Salvage, Nicholas
de Ynggepenne, , Johnde Forstesberi, John de
Colinggeburn, Robert Homme Deu, William son of the clerk.
Ancient Documents
Document 1
c 1400. Download the document here. Translation by Donald Peck, Combe resident.
Document 2
At first glance, it looks like a manorial court roll for Inkpen for 7 and 8 Henry IV (1405-7). Download the document here. Translation by Dr Mark Nicholls, Cambridge University
Document Images 3 to 7
3![]() |
4 |
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7 |
Document 8.
Cur[ia] ib[ide]m tenta quinto die Julii anno regni Regis henrici
quarti post conq[uestu]m ang[liae] septimo
becomes -- Cur[ia] ib[ide]m try the fifth day of July in the
year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth after the conquest of
England the seventh (1406?)
Esson |
Ph[ilipp]us Webbe de coi p[ro] Joh[ann]em Glasyere |
They are | Philippus Webbe de coi for Joh[ann]em Glasyere |
M[isericordi]a vd Ad p[ro]x |
Homag[ium] iur[*] ven[it] et p[ ] q[uo]d Simon Haseldene /fac[it] def[ ]\ quem fuit Messor[ ] ad p[ro]x disting[ ] qui ip[su]m non distr[ ] is ip[ ]s Miid in m[isericordi]a Et p[ ] est ? ? q[uod] Nich[ola]us Wolcombe Joh[annes] laucrence /iiid\ fac[ ] def[ ] is ip[s]I in m[isericordi]a |
M[isericordi]a vd At p[ro]x | Homag[ium] jur[*] ven[it] and p[ ] q[uo]d Simon Haseldene /fac[it] def[ ]\ who was the reaper[ ] to p[ro]x disting[ ] who ip[su]m not distr[ ] is ip[ ]s Miid in m[isericordi]a And p[ ] is? ? what Nich[ola]us Wolcombe Jo[hannes] laucrence /iiid\ fac[ ] def[ ] is ip[s]I in m[isericordi]a |
anu[m] porcor[um] iii d ob |
It[e]m q[uo]d Thom[as] /i d ob[olus]\ Bogey p[ro] iii hogg[ ] et Joh[an]nes /iid\ p[er]sonez iiii di anni dant d[omi]n[u]s de anesag[ ] videl[icet] p[ro] porc[ ] sup[er]anu[m] q[uo]d et di ann[ ] ob ? ? |
Panu[m] porcor[um] iii d ob | It[e]m q[uo]d Thom[as] /i d ob[olus]\ Bogey p[pro] iii hogg[ ] et Joh[an]nes /iid\ p[er]sonez iii di anni dant d[omi]n[u]s de anesag[ ] videl[icet] p[pro] porc[ ] sup[er]anu[m] q[uo]d et di ann[ ] ob? ? |
M[isericordi]a vi d ad p[ro]x |
Cum p[re]fuit ad p[ro]x[ ] Joh[ann]i ?onkeme sic[ut] plur[ ] eni[m] ten[et] suu[m] sub pe[?] xl d ii ? ad huc inde rep[er]auit is pena p[re]dict[ ] reman[ ] d[omi]n[u]s for[um] set tamen ex gr[ati]a Seneschall pe[?] ? tot[?] in m[isericordi]a /vi d\ non obstante p[ ]l p[re]d[ic]ti Joh[ann]is vt in p[re]cedent[ ] Et |
Mercicordia vi d ad p[ro]x | When he was at the front of Joh[ann]i? to this place he returned from the penalty he had foretold; Seneschall pe[?] ? sot [?] in [misericord]a /vi d\ despite p[ ]l p[d[ic]ti John [vt] in the [pre]cedent[ ] And |
Document 9.
In liber[o] Ric[ard]o de Pollh[a]mpton |
xx s
In free Richard of Pollhampton |
20 shillings |
Ite[m] Joh[ann]i de Oterborn Hall hundr[ed] |
xiii s iiii d |
Ite[m] Johanni of Oterborn Hall hundred |
13 shillings 4 pence |
Ite[m] Bettor[e] ette[ ] de Inkepenn |
xiii s iiii d |
Item[s] Bettors and[ ] of Inkepen |
13 shillings 4 pence |
Ite[m] Cl[eri]c[o] d[omi]no pp |
viii s |
Item Clergyman pp |
8 shillings |
Ite[m] p[ro] hydag[er?] |
iii s |
Ite[m] for hydag[er?] |
3 shillings |
Ite[m] F[rat]ri Rog[er]o de Candene{?} |
L s p[er] |
Item [m] Brother Rogero de Candene{?} |
L s p[er] |
Ite[m] Abb[at]I Redyng p[ro] te[m]p[er]alib[us] p[ri]mi a[n]ni |
xvi s |
Ite[m] The Abbot Reading - for you first of all |
16 shillings |
Ite[m] p[ro]cur[ ] d[ominu]m p[ro]p[rie] |
vi s |
Ite[m] p[ro]cur[ ] the master properly |
6 shillings |