Inkpen - Now and Then

This page is under development.

We have in our history group collection, a number of old black and white, and some sepia photos. During this period of Covid-19 lockdown, it seemed like a bit of fun to turn some of these into colour - or at least add a bit of colour.

Images range from 1896, to 1904 Inkpen Primary School pictures, the original Party-in-the-Park, though to the 1906 Inkpen Temperance Band. There are a number of school class images of around 1928, the Inkpen Home Guard and the Inkpen Cricket teams of 1947 and 1952. There's barbecues on ice from the early 1960, the 50th anniversary of the WI and a few pictures of St Michael's Church. There is even an image celebrating the re-erection of the Gibbet. Just a small selection is displayed below.

Any help in identifying the people pictured would be most welcome. We think we know who some are but your confirmation would be very helpful.

Use the numbered buttons below the following image, to navigate between the ten images available. It takes a while for each image to colourise or improve, so please be patient. Just click the button and wait. It takes a few seconds for each image to be loaded and rendered. Enjoy a view of the phases of Inkpen from over a hundred years ago

A victorian view of St Michael's Church

We recently came across three photos of St. Michael’s taken before its restoration was started in 1896. So, as you will see in the slide show below, after each pre-restoration image  there is a photo of the church immediately after and, as it is now. The contrast between then and now could hardly be more complete! Apart from the windows and the top of the tower, the external exterior looks pretty similar. But what neither photo shows is the addition at the time of restoration of the side aisle on the north of the church. This has made a huge difference both inside and out.

As for the interior, ‘restoration’ is the wrong word. It is a complete transformation for which we can be immensely grateful to those who have gone before. Victorian restoration can be tasteless – even grim. But they have left Inkpen with a church for which the village can be justly proud.

Use the numbered buttons below the following image, to navigate between the ten images available.

Probably the oldest photo we have relating to Inkpen is shown below. It's estimated to be from the 1880-1890 period but we have no idea who this lady and child are. I wonder if anyone can shed light in this.

For comparison and as an aid, the original is side by side with a colourised version. Probably the oldest photo we have relating to Inkpen is shown below. It's estimated to be from the 1880-1890 period but we have no idea who this lady and child are. I wonder if anyone can shed light in this.

For comparison and as an aid, the original is side by side with a colourised version.

A catalogue of other photo is provided below:

The gibbet pre 1940 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The gibbet pre 1940 1
Gibbet felled Sept 1969
courtesy Stephen Painting
1, 2
Gibbet erection 1970
courtesy Stephen Painting
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The new gibbet 1979 1
Gibbet in the making 1
Hang Gliding from the Gibbet 1, 2, 3
Hang Gliding from the Gibbet 1