Mesolithic to Modern - A journey through Time
Come and join us in our attempt to uncover Inkpen's near and
distant past.
Inkpen, a community, as it always has been.
Can there be anyone living in Inkpen who hasn't been up to the gibbet ?
Not only can you see for miles and miles but you can watch the hang gliders and paragliders circling high above the ancient burial mound and gibbet.
You can listen to the skylarks, breath clean fresh air and amble a hundred yards or so, along the Wayfarers Walk to Walbury Hill Fort.
The sense is of rural beauty and tranquillity.
Join us for our next meeting on February 28th, 7:30pm at the Inkpen pavilion. Admission £3 per person. All are welcome.
Maps give us the best understanding of how Inkpen has changed. Tithe maps tell us who lived where and who owned what.
Three graveyards have been catalogued and headstone inscriptions are also included. These are widely accessed for family tree research.
WW1 and WW2
A list of casualties for those from Inkpen and Kintbury are provided. As much additional information as can be gathered is also given.
1975 Audio recordings
In 1975 Inkpen produced an audio record of its memorable past. This is in the form of 13 separate audio tracks.
A Victorian View
This mostly relates to St. Michael's church which underwent a substantial makeover at that time. Before and after pictures are provided.
Scrapbooks from the WI, press clips and other content form Inkpen's recent past gives a vivid insight into our local predecessors.